How to Stay Sane in an Age of Division by Elif Shafak


Acts of barbarity can happen fast and on a large scale not when more people turn immoral or evil, not necessarily, but when enough people become numb. When we are indifferent, disconnected, atomised. Too busy with our own lives to care about others. Uninterested in and unmoved by someone else’s pain. That is the most dangerous emotion — the lack of emotion.

Perhaps in an era when everything is in constant flux. in order to be more sane, we need a blend of conscious optimism and creative pessimism. In the words of Gramsci, ‘the pessimism of the intellect, the optimism of the will.’

I believe in the transformative power of stories to bring people together, expand our cognitive horizons, and gently unlock our true potential for empathy and wisdom.

Do not be afraid of complexity.

- Elif Shafak, How to Stay Sane in an Age of Division


Before You Suffocate Your Own Fool Self by Danielle Evans


Bonfire Opera by Danusha Laméris